Savory Salty Roasted Nuts

(nuts are a great, filling fatty snack that boost brain power)


2 1/2 cups of raw, unsalted pecans & walnuts.  Or you can use one or the other.

I don’t suggest almonds because they can’t hold all the yumminess of the spices.

2 tsp. olive oil

1 tsp. chili powder

1/2 tsp. cumin

1 Tbs. lime juice

1 Tbs. chopped fresh rosemary (i say fresh because it is much easier to chop.  The dried stuff flies all over when you’re chopping it.)

1/2 tsp. sea salt 

Optional:  You can sprinkle a little flaky “Finishing Salt, like Maldon) over all the nuts before baking. It adds another layer of flavor.


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  2. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper
  3. In bowl, combine all ingredients except the nuts.
  4. Add nuts to the bowl and toss to get those spices in the cracks and crevices of the nuts.  Pour coated nuts onto cookie sheet.
  5. Spread out as much as possible so the nuts aren’t in a big jumble.
  6. Cook for 10 minutes, stir and cook for 2 – 5 minutes more or until they are slightly roasted and smell yummy.

Roasted nuts can be stored in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks, but they won’t last that long!